How does online grammar checker work and does it only check documents in English?

Navigate to the onlinegrammarchecker.org from your browser. Once the site opens you can either upload a document if it is in; doc, docx or txt format. Press the ‘Select’ button and select the file from your computer. It will copy/paste it in the display window. Now you can select the language you want the document to be checked in. at the bottom on the left side you will see two blue buttons. On one is written ‘English’ and on the other button ‘American’ is written. If you don’t make a selection from any of these buttons, the application’s default is set to American English and it will check the document in that. Another way to upload a document is that you copy/paste the document in the display windows. Then follow the mentioned procedure for the application to check your document.

If you were to press the button which says ‘English’ on it you will see a list of languages (thirty-two) from which you can select one. It also has an auto-detect option. This option means that the application will automatically detect the language that the submitted document is written in and will check the grammar based on the detected language. If you press the second blue button which has ‘American’ written it will display the six common dialects of the English language. Select the dialect you want and press ‘check grammar’ and the submitted document will be checked based on the grammar and spelling rules of that dialect.

As you can see online grammar checker does not only check English language documents, it can check documents in the other popular languages in use around the world. In fact this application will help people to write grammatically correct documents in several languages.